Saturday's trip was Taco Bill Walt in his slightly modified and now dented 2002 Tacoma, Scott Fisher in his white Taco on 33s, Mark and Jeff both in stock silver double cabs, Blaine in his well equipped brown Jeep, Jim in Jimmy, Randy in an 85 Jeep open on 31s with little tread, and myself.
We started out down Coal Bed to Valley and to Doe Run Rocks. Going up Valley we scared Mark a little with some of the rocks. I guess I shouldn't have told him it was all fire road like trails. We stopped by Rattler to watch some people run a black trail and continued down the Pipeline to Logging trail. We then took Woodpecker backwards and that is where Bill took his damage by trying a different line then the stock truck in front of him. We got half way through Woodpecker and then I remember why it should only be run one way, but we all made it through with no damage or problems. Logging Road then took us out to Haul Road and the Spring where we had lunch with a bunch of other trucks that were already there. A couple of guys played on the hill climbs there before heading off to Cabin Spring up to Impossible Hill trails. I thought they would be possible, but we were not really prepared for them. First Randy was pulled up the first one by Jim and then I got a bad start up the next one and needed to be winched by a couple of ATVs and pulled sideways by some straps to be able to back down the hill. We then turned around and found Haul Road and made our way back out of the park.
Bill, Mark, Jeff, and myself made our way to campground and began the fire and drinking while waiting several hours for Scott to show up with more food and beer.
Sunday was even less eventful as most of the people were already home or headed home. I led Scott and Jay (stock extra cab) with Mark as a passenger in Jay's truck. I think Jeff and Mark had a new found appreciation on what a stock Tacoma could do on the trails.
Sunday's ride started down the same way as Saturday and continued to Cherokee Ridge which is a very, very steep downhill decent with trees tight on both sides. We then took 2wd easy to Squirrel. On 2wd I used the driver's side slider very effectively on one rock as Jay took the bypass and Scott's truck took my weight on the passenger side to help keep it stable. Squirrel was two hill climbs which were uneventful. We helped two lost quad riders find there way out of the park and stopped for lunch. We ran into a couple of crazy quad riders who gave us a show in a stream a little later.
After lunch we went down the rest of Turtle to Outer Spare Tire where we ran back into the quads. We made our way through and then egged them to cross the stream. They did and then the one guy tried all three ways. There is some good video of that as well. Jay then played on the hill climb at Spring with Scott before we headed out of the park down Haul Road to Valley and out again.
It was a fun day and we had no breakage either day, just a touch of body damage.